Food Addiction Treatment Centers: Those Needing Help for Addiction May Get It From Medicaid

Those needing help for addiction may get it from Medicaid
Filed under: food addiction treatment centers

… for Specialty Crop Farmers. On Wednesday, April 17 at 6 p.m., the Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association (OEFFA) will offer a free webinar designed for specialty crop farmers. … hears about native amphibians. The slinky and the slimy took …


Bill Keating gives keynote at National Prescription Drug abuse Prevention Summit
Filed under: food addiction treatment centers

According to recent data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, deaths related to drug abuse exceeded those related to motor vehicle accidents for the second year in a row. That data further suggests the number of deaths from drug …


Galion man released early from prison, to be deported
Filed under: food addiction treatment centers

Those needing help for addiction may get it from Medicaid. Governor Kasich's plan to expand Medicaid provides a rare opportunity to expand access to mental health and addiction treatment for thousands of Ohioans.


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