Alcohol Treatment Centers: Acne Help… What Should I Do?
Question by Matt: Acne help… what should i do?
Well.. im 14 and have some mild acne around my nose and it really pisses me off because its not clearing up, i didnt use to have acne at all but like after 8th grade during the summer i got acne and im like… what the hell… i shower daily and scrub my face with a alcohol soaked cottonball and use differin on the pimples and i do this 2 times a day but never in the morning because i rush most of the time to get ready.. it works sort of… but not very effectively… what else should i use to clear up my face?
Best answer:
Answer by xxConniexx1225
well first you need a cleanser and toner and mositurzier. Use Neutrogena it worked for me. Clean your face once cause if you get to clean it might result in more pimples
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