Affordable Addiction Treatment: Transitional Home to Open

Transitional home to open
Filed under: affordable addiction treatment

McCourt said the facility will fill a gap in drug and alcohol abuse treatment options. When recovering addicts leave half-way houses, they often have no other option but to return to familial situations where substance abuse is practiced. Or, because …


The gaps in Ohio's safety net
Filed under: affordable addiction treatment

First, the state must make a significant investment of additional General Revenue Funding in the state fiscal year 2014-15 budget for addiction and mental health prevention, treatment and support services. … Second, we encourage the governor and the …


Colorado Coalition for the Homeless Helps to Create New Hope for Affordable
Filed under: affordable addiction treatment

The new Health Center will fully integrate medical and mental health care, substance treatment services, dental and vision, social services, and housing acquisition to more fully address the spectrum of problems homeless patients bring to their medical …


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