What’s the Point of Pierced Dimples? ?
Question by daylan101292: What’s the point of pierced dimples? ?
I was talking to my girlfriend yesterday and we were talking about something when she came to the subject of pierced dimples. I have never heard of this and I think it sounds totally outrageous, but she want to get them. Why do people want to do that? It’s completely pointless and it doesn’t look attractive at all. Can anyone PLEASE tell me why anyone would do this? Ears, nose, eyebrows, lip, tongue and even nipples are fine by me, but dimples?!
Best answer:
Answer by OMFG!
Better Question: What is the point of copious numbers of Aggressive Piercing in the first place?
When I see aggressive piercing, I see 1 of 2 things:
1. A person that is following the herd and is getting pierced because they are under the delusion that they can express their individuality by doing EXACTLY what all their peers are doing.
2. A trauma survivor that is using body modification as a Socially Acceptable form of Self Harm combined with the Repetition Compulsion which comes from growing up in a chaotic/abusive/traumatic family of origin.
You won’t EVER get anyone into Body Mod to actually sit down and try to get some Insight into their compulsion to do these things… Let alone get them to comprehend that what they call a “Normal and Healthy Upbringing” is anything but…
These are people that get off by having “Society Judge Them” while screaming at the top of their lungs that they hate how Society Judges Them.
Basically, they’re harming themselves before anyone else can pick up where Mommy and Daddy (or Step-Daddy) left off.
They are bringing about the very trauma, rejection, and re-victimization that they CONSCIOUSLY claim to abhor. A Self-Fulfilling Subconscious Repetition Compulsion.
• In a society that accepts a ratio of 1 in 4 children under the age of 14 being abused…
• In a society that accepts a ratio of 1 in 6 women over the age of 14 being sexually assaulted…
• In a society that accepts an adult’s desire to put their own happiness before the health and well-being of their own children…
• In a society that accepts a Meth Addict’s cries of “I love my kids! I never smoke meth IN FRONT of them! How dare you say that my Meth Use is Child Abuse!” *Replace “Meth” with “Booze”, “Opiates”, “Coke” etc. etc. etc.
• In a society that accepts people with severe, untreated mental illness crapping out kids they can’t care for…
In a society that accepts all of this as an “Expression of Individuality” is a society that ends up accepting the Predictable Actions of Trauma Survivors as “Normal and Healthy” because they are slowly reaching the majority…
The chaos of American Culture is a direct result of the Hippy Generation raping, both mentally and physically, their children and the generational transmission of trauma taking a further step up the “Chaos” stairway with each succeeding generation.
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