Putting Lives Back Together
Putting lives back together
Filed under: opiate withdrawal timeline
By Tammy Marashlian Signal Staff Writer Unless an addict takes another hit, the withdrawal symptoms often last up to two weeks, creating agony for the patient as the body craves the opiate drug. “There is no quick fix for addiction, especially heroin,” …
A Chittenden County Program Helps Pregnant Addicts Become Successful Moms
Filed under: opiate withdrawal timeline
Overcoming a chemical dependency and the symptoms of opiate withdrawal is a difficult task. Equally challenging, according to Johnston, is convincing these mothers-to-be to engage with people who can help them get some structure and order back in their …
Pill disaster: Peninsula counties among tops in state per capita opiate deaths
Filed under: opiate withdrawal timeline
Clallam County Drug Court Coordinator Preston Kayes said more and more young people are using methadone, a highly addictive, readily available synthetic opioid used to treat pain and withdrawal symptoms of heroin addicts.
PAWS~~ Post-Acute Withdrawal Symdrome
A little known fact of drug addiction and recovery is a medical condition known as PAWS… this video will help you recognize the symptoms of, and manage post-acute withdrawal syndrome…
Related Opiate Withdrawal Timeline Information…