Drug Rehab: Los Angeles Drug Rehab, Prominence Treatment Center, Announces the Launch of Their New Website
Los Angeles Drug Rehab, Prominence Treatment Center, Announces the Launch of Their New Website
Filed under: Drug Rehab
LOS ANGELES — For any of the countless California residents that suffer with drug or alcohol addictions, knowing which doctor or organization to turn to can be confusing. Medical sources around the world …
YouTube Video Campaign Goes Viral for San Clemente Drug Rehab Center
Filed under: Drug Rehab
Innovative Orange County Drug and Alcohol Treatment Center Launches Video BlitzSan Clemente, CA (PRWEB) January 26, 2012 Innovative drug and alcohol treatment center 449Recovery has announced that it has released a line of promotional videos on YouTube.com to help promote the San Clemente drug rehab center and its continuing battle against drug addiction. The first video entitled “Does rehab …
Some worried about proposed drug rehab in Buffalo
Filed under: Drug Rehab
BUFFALO, W.Va. — Tudy Bowman said even though she knows theres a serious drug problem in Buffalo, she doesnt want a substance abuse center in her neighborhood. "Theres a bad drug problem in Buffalo, but this facility isnt geared toward that …
Former Philadelphia Phillie Dickie Noles gives support to Bethlehem drug rehab
Filed under: Drug Rehab
Noles, a member of the Phillies' 1980 World Series team, said he's dedicated his life to drug rehabilitation since he successfully kicked his alcohol addiction in 1983, and he supports the creation of more treatment centers.
Spotlighting Importance of 30-90 Day Drug Treatment Programs; 449Recovery Blazes Trail
Filed under: Drug Rehab
San Clemente Drug Rehab Center announces next video in online campaign. (PRWeb January 26, 2012) Read the full story at http://www.prweb.com/releases/2012/1/prweb9143830.htm
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