Definition of Substance Abuse: No, the 2nd Amendment Does Not Authorize Armed Sedition

No, the 2nd Amendment Does Not Authorize Armed Sedition
Filed under: definition of substance abuse

When they wanted to abuse each other, the Founders invoked the name of Catiline, the bankrupt aristocrat prosecuted by Cicero for conspiracy against the state. This fear was so real that in 1807 the Jefferson … The substance of the charge? Burr had …


Almost Addicted: Is My (or My Loved One's) Drug Use a Problem?
Filed under: definition of substance abuse

A medical doctor and Ph.D., he uses his impressive list of credentials — including faculty psychiatrist at Harvard, staff psychiatrist at Boston Children's Hospital Adolescent Substance Abuse Program, and co-founder/director of the Human Rights and …


Homes for the Homeless: How You Can Help
Filed under: definition of substance abuse

In Chicago, we have at least 6,000 homeless people on the streets on any given day and a new (and better) definition of homelessness raises this estimate to 21,000 individuals. Once you dig into the numbers, the picture becomes even … The homeless in …


The persecution of Barrett Brown – and how to fight it
Filed under: definition of substance abuse

Brown has been open in discussing his past battles with substance abuse, and at the time, he had stopped taking various medications which he uses to control his addiction problems. In September, he posted a YouTube video detailing that the FBI and HB …


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