Substance Abuse Counselling: Hockey Player Captains Team Referendum

Hockey player captains Team Referendum
Filed under: substance abuse counselling

Mental health's portion of the referendum includes 48% for psychiatric and psychological support, 27% for health and wellness staff support, 11% for mental health and substance abuse support, 11% for student wellness engagement and 3% for fall break …


Pendleton educates Marines on alcohol usage
Filed under: substance abuse counselling

Consolidated Substance Abuse Counseling Center officials at Camp Pendleton recently got a new tool called “Intoxiclock,” which shows in detail how alcohol metabolizes in a man or woman. They are using the tool as part of their “Prime for Life” campaign …


Plight of homeless with mental illness
Filed under: substance abuse counselling

This is whether their mental state is the result of substance abuse, genetics, or illtreatment. This knowledge is not new. However, what is disturbing is the Ministry … I understand many in the state of homelessness struggle with substance abuse …


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