When Papers Are Served for Custody Hearing and Mother Is in Rehab?
Question by supak464: When papers are served for custody hearing and mother is in rehab?
What happens? We filed last week for child custody and they were to serve papers on saturday but we decided to wait now until tuesday because we couldnt get her [ to prevent her from having to go through anything]… we are set to pick her up early form school and papers served tuesday. Daughter says that mother is leaving tuesday for rehab.. if the papers are served, and she isnt there….. what will happen? mother assumes that child is going to stay with now ex-boyfriend.. mother is addicted to meth…. a reminder to all that drugs give you no sense!
Best answer:
Answer by i AM smiling!
If she can’t be served at home, you’ll have to ajourn or serve her at rehab…
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