How Do I Tell My Parents I Want to Go to Rehab?

Question by emo_cuttie: how do i tell my parents i want to go to rehab?
Im 14 and i started smoking weed at 10, last year i got into harder stuff. This year i’ve decided toget my life back on track. My parents know that iv done drugs here and there, but they dont know the extent of my habit. I dont know how to tell them that i need rehab without them blowing up at me, we have a very strained relationship as it is.

Best answer:

Answer by cubanchica198716
i dont think they should get mad..i mean ur trying to better urself and thats always good! good job though! im glad u’ve decided to get ur life straight..just let them know…they will probably get mad..but its all for the better..good luck

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Drug Rehab Treatment Center Tour @ Lomonaco Palms, Laguna Beach, California

Lomonaco Palms in sunny Laguna Beach, California provides a unique contingency to close the door to the past of addiction, and open the window to the future. Our goal is to guide you to ride thru the wave of drug and alcohol recovery. At our residential alcohol and drug treatment program we extend to each individual the choice to heal and grow. We have created a discrete, safe place … where the addict is guided, hand in hand, to an addiction free future.


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