(Georgia) Taking Action on Preventing Underage Drinking in Georgia

(Georgia) Taking Action on Preventing Underage Drinking in Georgia

This video highlights Georgia’s efforts to reduce youth access to alcohol and increase awareness of the dangers of underage drinking. Thisvideo was produced through the SAMHSA/CSAP Underage Drinking Prevention Education Initiatives (UADPEI) in an ongoing collaboration with States and Territories to produce videos that support local underage drinking prevention communications efforts. Across the Nation, every State and Territory is unique and so are their approaches to preventing and reducing underage drinking. The video project supports the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s Strategic Initiative #1: Prevention of Substance Abuse and Mental Illness, which states, “… prevention of underage drinking [is] a priority for States, Territories, Tribal entities, universities and communities.” For more information or resources, visit: www.stopalcoholabuse.gov starttalkingnow.org store.samhsa.gov


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