Opiate of the Mrs: 5 Tips for a Successful Two-Career Marriage

Opiate of the Mrs: 5 Tips For A Successful Two-Career Marriage
Filed under: what is an opiate

In a couple of weeks I will celebrate my 44th wedding anniversary. I'm not bragging. Honestly, I feel lucky that I didn't screw it up, when I think how very young and immature and needy I was at the outset. Like all marriages, mine dodged a few bullets …


Are you addicted to love… or sex?
Filed under: what is an opiate

DAVE: Whether it's winning the casino jackpot or achieving sexual climax, that final burst of pleasure is not only due to dopamine, but also on the pleasurable release of the opiate or endorphine mechanism… BILL: And we say, “I will love you forever …


Locals March for Law Devised to Curb Overdoses
Filed under: what is an opiate

The City Hall-to-the-mall route was intended to raise consciousness, not funds, in an effort to battle opiate addiction with a new law that came into effect Jan. 1, the 911 Good Samaritan Law. The law basically states anyone who calls 911 to help save …


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