Alcohol Treatment Center: How to Prevent and Safely Treat Ingrown Hairs

How To Prevent And Safely Treat Ingrown Hairs
Filed under: alcohol treatment center

Use products with alcohol. If you do, you'll wind up drying out the skin around the irritated follicle and could close the pore (thus trapping the hair even worse). Stab with tweezers. Seriously, I've done it; I know it is entirely too tempting to just …


Proposed Kentucky liquor law changes sent to legislators
Filed under: alcohol treatment center

The report also calls for a new law giving amnesty from criminal prosecution to those who alert authorities to some emergencies involving alcohol — for example, an adult who provided alcohol to a minor who then needs medical treatment, or a teenager …


Could help for San Francisco's chronic inebriates be a shot away?
Filed under: alcohol treatment center

Earlier this month, a state appeals court quashed the city's four-month effort to get chronic inebriates, most of them homeless, into treatment by threatening them with jail for contempt if they repeatedly fail to show up to court. The idea, led by the …


Michael’s House Drug and Alcohol Treatment Center and Rehab Re-Dedication

Watch Alan Downs and Arlene Rosen comment on the re-dedication of Michael’s House drug and alcohol treatment center with detox and rehab programs. Dr. Alan Downs is the former CEO of Michael’s House and Arlene Rosen is the original founder of Michael’s House. The center recently underwent a beautiful transformation and the redesign truly supports the holistic, integrated approach that the center offers to those suffering with addiction.


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