Addiction Specialist: Suh's Pro Bowl Snubbing Not a Surprise

Suh's Pro Bowl snubbing not a surprise
Filed under: addiction specialist

Stefan Logan confirmed Thursday that he has been replaced as the Lions' return specialist. Logan committed an embarrassing brain cramp in the last game when he thought he was in the end zone and downed a kick at the 4-yard line. Logan ranks 21st in …


Troubled veterans to be focus of new unit in Pittsburgh prison
Filed under: addiction specialist

Together, they'll work through issues from addiction to violence. … Inmates also will talk with former soldiers who have gone through incarceration and mental health issues, said Ebony McDonald, a re-entry specialist with the Department of Veterans …


EFT for Addiction – EFT Master Carol Look

From the Addiction DVD Set – Carol Look, EFT Master and Addiction Specialist. Carol talks about why we have addictions – Set is specialized instruction including several livedemonstrations as 4 of the highest trained addiction specialists in the world – Carol Look, David Rourke, Sue Beer and Loretta Sparks – address the conflicts, emotions, and family patterns that support or enable addictive behavior. These experts, with decades of combined experience, skillfully apply EFT to an array of addiction issues.


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