Is Cocaine Addicting: Uruguay Government Aide Defends Marijuana Plan
Uruguay Government Aide Defends Marijuana Plan
Filed under: is cocaine addicting
Uruguay is among the safest countries in Latin America but gang shootouts earlier in the year and rising cocaine seizures have increased concerns over security. The objective of the marijuana plan is to separate the pot market from riskier drugs to …
Hope for dope: Alcoholics face a greater risk than marijuana users, doctors insist
Filed under: is cocaine addicting
Doctors dealing with deaddiction say cases of marijuana addiction are rare, if not nonexistent , but feel its use might become a "gateway" for harder drugs like smack, heroin and cocaine, which really create the drugs problem among people. Dr R C …
Marijuana policy bears no relation to the drug's actual risks or benefits
Filed under: is cocaine addicting
Methamphetamine and cocaine are much more addictive and dangerous than cannabis, yet they are listed as "Schedule 2" drugs. Alcohol and tobacco are both more addictive than cannabis and have a number of well-known negative health consequences, …
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