Opiate Addiction Signs: Concerned About My Sister Possibly Having a Pill Addiction..?

Question by Armywife44: Concerned about my sister possibly having a pill addiction..?
My sister is in her twenties owns a home and has a career. When she was in high school I know she used to take percocets sometimes ( not prescribed) but it seemed like it was a party thing and she seemed to have grown out of it. I live far away from her but our relationship has changed. We dont talk often anymore, she doesnt’ return calls etc. She ended a long term relationship and immediatly there is a new guy living with her who everyone in my family has a bad feeling about. I know he is prescribed a lot of pain pills for an accident he was in a year ago. I heard my sister is buying Roxies from a friend. I saw her a few m onths ago and she was shockingly thin..she has always been thin but I could see veins in her arms! Her face is all broken out as well. From what I hear her new b/f or friend or whatever he is is constantly sweating profusely even inside in the air condition. I feel like there is something wrong and I’m worried that she has gotten involved in pills ..like I said I dont see her and now barely even talk to her so I can’t see if there are “warning signs”. Does this sound like a possible addiction? Is profuse sweating a sign of anyting? How can I approach this with my sister if I can ever get her on the phone? Please help, my little sister is my heart and Im in the dark here.

Best answer:

Answer by Moonlight
It sounds like she is doing pills or some type of drugs. You’ve described all the early signs of abuse. Esp. not keeping in touch and her face being broken out. I’m not sure about the sweating, most people on opiates don’t sweat except when they’re in withdrawal. However, they could be mixing uppers which would cause the sweating. I think maybe you just need to let her know that you know and that she’s not fooling anyone. However, if she’s already addicted, she’s not going to stop until she is ready, no matter what you say to her.

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