Substance Abuse Assessment: Judge Dropped My Case , One Day of Counseling Will They Drug Test Me?

Question by Martin: Judge dropped my case , one day of counseling will they drug test me?
I got charged with curfew and possession of paraphernalia, when i went to court the judge dropped my charges and said he would give me a day of counseling. Will they drug test me? There was only marijuana involved ..i have till next week. BTW im a minor.

No anti drug bullshit i know what i did. Thanks:)

Best answer:

Answer by Mike
Hello there. You sound like a smart person. I don’t know what they will do. It all depends on what you agreed to. It sounds like you made a plea agreement for 1 day of counseling instead of any convictions. I have not heard of such things like this. What I am more familiar with is when charges are taken ” under advisement ” and if all conditions of deal/probation are met. Then the convictions will be removed from a persons record. My concern is that you may have agreed to something like this and your 1 day of counseling might turn into more days OR your 1 day of counseling is really a “substance abuse assessment” and may have a drug test Or they may recommend a drug test after your counseling.. I don’t like to follow the rules, but I would be prepared for anything.. I don’t like or agree with drug testing, but I have always believed in quiting smoking for a short period of time to help me get what I want in life – Like a GREAT job or to stay out of jail.. You have to decide the things in life that are important to you and what makes you happy.. 6 years ago a friend quit smoking weed and bought a brand new corvette. Our other friend saw him do this and quit smoking cigarettes and bought himself a brand new corvette. I still smoke and have no corvette.. If you want my opion about smoking then feel free to read some of my other answers. . Life is all about making choices – So take time time to make GREAT choices ! ! ! ! . . Living life is a lot easier when you are HAPPY ! ! ! ! ! . . Chose to be happy.. It’s a very easy thing to do.. . Be good.. Be well…Be smart.. Be honest……Be nice……Be kind……Be safe…..Have fun……Be HAPPY ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! …… Live..Learn..Teach..Smile..Laugh..Love

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Forced drug testing paints all workers as abusers
Filed under: substance abuse assessment

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