Suboxone: Has Anyone Been on a Suboxone Program? How Did It Work? Did You Have to Go to N.A. to Recive the Meds?

Question by Bam Bam: Has anyone been on a suboxone program? How did it work? Did you have to go to N.A. to recive the meds?
I am taking 12-20 10mg oxycodone a day i NEED to stop!

Best answer:

Answer by Lone
Yep, I did a suboxone program. It was a joke. Yes, the doctor insisted I attend group counseling which was 12 step based, and I had to pay an additional $ 20 per session. It was almost worth it for the laughs though.

Trouble is, after being on sub for over a year, it stopped working, and it was honestly 10 times harder to kick than oxy. The withdrawals aren;t as bad as oxy, but they last forever…I was in withdrawal for a full 30 days coming off sub, and this was after months of torturous weaning. Then when I finally started to be able to sleep and the shaking stopped, I had another year plus of PAWS.

At 2 yeats off sub I’m still not right…My motivation is shot, I have migraine headaches all the time, sometimes they last for days.

Do yourself a favor…Either wean off the oxy, or if you can’t do that go inpatient for a few weeks and have them get you clean. Actually most rehabs use suboxone now, but only for a week or so. That is a good plan, but going on maintenance will really screw you up. A few weeks lost to rehab, or a few years or more lost to a suboxone “program”.

Oh, and sub has all the negative side effects of oxy, and none of the good high.

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