Hope Lifeline Rescues Addict

Hope lifeline rescues addict
Filed under: substance addiction

Hope lifeline rescues addict. HOPE. Chandra Brown sits with her hope-giver, Kim Doughty, before telling her story of overcoming addiction to members of the community services committee for the District of Muskoka. Jennifer Bowman. The 24-year-old …


City Police Chief talks neighborhood intervention
Filed under: substance addiction

As an example, the chief described the situation of a woman in the neighborhood who regularly calls police for incidents involving her son who is a drug addict with mental health issues. “The mom loves her son, but she's at her wit's end because her …


Fall in heroin and crack use as drugs lose appeal, particularly for the young
Filed under: substance addiction

Local authorities are well placed to bring together all the support people need to help them recover from addiction, including access to housing, employment and social networks. However the strong recovery ambition called for in the Government's 2010 …


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