I Am 90 Days Sober but Am So Annoyed at Some of Things I Hear in AA Meetings. Why?

Question by mike r: I am 90 days sober but am so annoyed at some of things I hear in AA meetings. Why?
Don’t get me wrong. It saved my life. I was drinking a handle bottle of booze everyday and smoking heroin and shooting oxycontin. I was on a quick road to death. But, there are a few things that annoy the crap out of me in EVERY meeting I go to. The use of such words as ‘normie’ and ‘I’m a grateful alcoholic’ and ‘in these walls’ or ‘in these rooms’ and when the literature person tells the meeting that there is reading material they can pick up from the rack and the whole group says ‘nice rack’ like it is funny or something. Or when the secretary asks if anyone can help clean up after the meeting has concluded and a bunch of nimrods all yell out ‘that’s the secretary’s job.’ I can’t forget to mention how many people overuse the ‘this disease is so cunning, baffling, powerful.’ Last, but certainly not least, is when they close with the Lord’s prayer and the person says ‘who’s father?’ then the group starts the ‘Our Father who….’ Anyway, I’m just rambling on and on but I wish people didn’t have to be so stereotypical AA dorks. It gets so annoying. Have some originality and quit being a robot like everyone else.

I’ll end by saying, again, I like the program. It has worked wonders for me. But, there are so many meetings I will not step foot into anymore because of everything I mentioned above. It is just way too annoying & really shows what huge followers some of these people are. I’m hoping the few meetings that are free of the crap will not be infested by other AA members that enjoy being a robot so I can continue to stay sober.

If you go to AA and can answer my question as to why so many people say the same thing and can’t get an original thought in their head I would appreciate it. Thanks.

Best answer:

Answer by Tink
Youre new – and you can be as irritated with it as you want….(and trust me, everyone is irritated with it at first – however, as you gain more time, the ones who are intolerant of it stop going, and go back out – and things get worse)

Have you “worked” the steps yet? or are you just going to meetings and still suffering?

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