Brooklyn Judge Who Lives in Yorktown Heights Pleads Guilty to DWI

Brooklyn judge who lives in Yorktown Heights pleads guilty to DWI
Filed under: substance abuse clinics

After his guilty plea on Tuesday, Landicino was sentenced in Albany County Court to a one-year conditional discharge if he successfully completes substance abuse treatment, pays a $ 500 fine, has an ignition interlock device installed on his vehicle …


Q&A: School District Provides Answers on Random Drug Testing Program
Filed under: substance abuse clinics

A: Substance Awareness Counselors/Coordinators (SAC) are currently providing ongoing individual and group counseling services regarding substance abuse issues to the students of Lacey Township High School. Students are also receiving counseling support …


Circuit Court sentencings
Filed under: substance abuse clinics

Leslie Neil Decker, 60, 96 S. 28th t., Battle Creek, pleaded no contest to 4th degree criminal sexual conduct: 210 days with credit for 43 days, 60 months probation, must successfully complete substance abuse and sex offender treatment programs, $ 973 …


Editorial: No drug-testing for welfare applicants
Filed under: substance abuse clinics

People who tested positive would be ineligible to apply for welfare benefits for one year, unless they successfully completed a substance-abuse treatment program recognized by the state Department of Health and Human Services. In such cases, they would …


Recovering heroin addict – ‘I struggled’ [CNN 6-27-2012]

Click and buy a Tee-Shirt using the link above for a 2% discount. MeTee: Tee-Shirt Design in Seconds. – The Transcendental Meditation movement (also referred to as Transcendental Meditation or TM) is a term or phrase that refers to the programs and organizations connected to the Transcendental Meditation technique, which was developed and or introduced by the founder, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. Transcendental Meditation was first taught in the 1950s in India and has continued beyond the Maharishi’s death in 2008. The organization was estimated to have 900000 participants worldwide in 1977, a million by the 1980s, and 5 million in more recent years. Programs include the TM-Sidhi program, Maharishi Ayurveda and Maharishi Sthapatya Veda. The TM-Sidhi program is an advanced form of Transcendental Meditation and includes ‘Yogic flying’. Maharishi Ayurveda is an alternative system of health care that aims to restore balance in the physiology, eliminate impurities, and awaken the body’s natural healing mechanisms. Maharishi Sthapatya Veda is a system of architectural and planning principles based on ‘ancient Sanskrit texts’ The movement also operates numerous schools and universities, offers monastic programs called Mother Divine and Thousand Headed Purusha, operates health centers such as The Raj and Maharishi Ayurveda Health Center, assorted businesses such as Maharishi Ayurveda Products International and several TM-centered communities. The global organization also


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